Even if you lose or forget your vehicle insurance details, you can still check whether your vehicle’s insured. The methods to go about this are fairly straightforward and can be done smoothly via the internet. This is largely owed to the superior after-sales service provided by new-age digital insurance providers.
In this blog, let’s learn how to check your bike or car insurance validity online.
To check your vehicle’s insurance status and validity, visit your insurance provider’s website or app and keep these documents/numbers handy:
Follow these steps to check your vehicle insurance status and validity on the Parivahan Sewa website:
Follow these steps to check your vehicle insurance status and validity on the RTO website:
Follow these steps to check your vehicle insurance status and validity on the mParivahan app:
Follow these steps to check your vehicle insurance status and validity on the IIB portal:
You can also check your vehicle insurance status and validity offline, by visiting your insurance provider’s office or your nearest RTO office.
In conclusion, losing or forgetting your vehicular insurance details is no longer a cause for concern, thanks to the convenience provided by new-age digital insurance providers. Checking the validity of your vehicle's insurance can be easily done online, thanks to platforms like the Insurance Information Bureau (IIB) website and VAHAN e-Services. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can access the insurance details of a car or bike involved in an accident. The IIB website maintains comprehensive records of insured vehicles, while the VAHAN e-Services website offers an alternative solution if the IIB website is unavailable. These online services have made it convenient for individuals to access their insurance information and verify the validity of their policies, contributing to a smoother and more efficient process for insurance-related inquiries.
You can check whether a vehicle’s insurance policy has been updated or not by visiting the IIB web portal. You can also visit the website of the concerned company you got your vehicle insured from to check if your insurance is updated.
You can check your vehicle’s insurance policy to determine whether or not you are insured or else call up your insurance provider. The Insurance Information Bureau (or IIB) website and the VAHAN e-Services website also allow you to check whether your vehicle’s insurance policy is active.
There are multiple benefits of checking your car insurance status online. From how convenient and time saving it is to how easily you can access your claim status and renew your insurance, it's all on your fingertips.
In India, there are several ways to check a car's insurance status offline:
1. Insurance Dictionary 101: Important Insurance Terms
2. How does Life Insurance work?
3. Types of Insurance in India
4. What is Third Party Insurance Coverage?
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