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Fi partners with the best to secure your money
ISO 27001:2013
Our partner bank hosts your Savings Account and follows all security standards per applicable regulations.

Your money is always safe with our banking partner - Federal Bank, is covered under the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Scheme. This insures your money up to ₹5 lakh.

Fi itself is not a bank and doesn’t hold or claim to have a banking license.
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Fi is a money management platform that re-imagines the banking experience in India. The Federal Bank Account offered through our App, is a digital bank account that gives you the fastest way to open a bank account online.

You can do everything from the Fi App, including p2p payments, fund transfers, bill payments, and more, with features to automate every action. You also get a Debit Card, spends insights and tools to grow your investment and earn rewards.

Disclaimer: You may have noticed some brand logos used on this website to indicate where you, as a user, may or may not have spent money. We don’t endorse these brands. Nor do these brands endorse us. The logos of the specific brands are owned by them.
© epiFi Wealth Pvt. Ltd. 2025
© epiFi Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 2025