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Why Are Negotiation Skills Important in Business?

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Created on
October 27, 2022


What’s Inside

In today’s hyper-competitive and connected market, negotiating your way through is more important than ever. In fact, a key aspect of achieving your dream job and salary can be done if you play your cards right when you negotiate. And that’s one of the many reasons why negotiating skills are important in business. 

What are Negotiation Skills?

Negotiation skills are the ability to communicate, compromise, and reach mutually beneficial agreements in various situations, including business dealings. These skills involve effective communication, problem-solving, and strategic thinking to achieve favorable outcomes.

The Art of Negotiation

In today’s world, negotiation can be understood as an art form that one must master if they wish to truly succeed. The logical question that then arises is, “why are negotiation skills important?” Simply put, a successful negotiator is able to ensure that their career continues to move forward. Continue reading to understand just how this works.

Assessing The Value of Negotiation

The true value of negotiation skills has been broken down into 7 different points that have been touched upon below.

1.Negotiation Paves the Way for a Successful Career

Good negotiation skills help you get a good salary and benefits for yourself. That said, rather than viewing a job you are currently applying for as your end goal, you should view it as a pit stop that will help you get to a superior position in the future. With this mindset, you will be able to notice how negotiation can help you acquire the tools you need to excel in the future. These tools range from additional training to a job title that will help you fulfil your career goals in the future.

2. Negotiate your Role

Once you’ve landed a job, the right negotiation skills can allow you to negotiate all that your role entails. This means that they can help you land the additional resources you need to help boost a project that you’re working on. They can also help you work through a disagreement you might have with your coworker. 

3. Negotiate Deals

It isn’t uncommon for employees to have to enter into contracts and deals when working with clients and customers on behalf of the organizations they are employed by. This is where the art of negotiation in business comes in. These contracts and deals require both parties to be in agreement. This means that as an employee, you may have to convince your employer of the merits associated with the terms you want the other party to agree to in a contract.

4. Negotiating a Superior Bottom Line 

By successfully negotiating a deal, you can walk away with the best possible outcome for yourself and the organization you work for. By doing this, you help enhance your bottom line. Take, for instance, if you are able to curtail your overhead by 15 per cent due to good negotiation skills, that money will be directed towards your profit margin.  

5. Confidence is Key

Regardless of what’s being negotiated, being confident is a must. By entering into a negotiation with the knowledge that you are aware of what you’re doing, you can give the deal the attention it needs instead of worrying about being outdone by the other party. In fact, confidence has been shown to yield better results. 

6. Command Respect 

Respect serves as a major component of business dealings. It is important that your coworkers respect you such that they value your insights. Similarly, it is important that vendors and clients respect you as well. The impression you form once a negotiation is struck can end up having a lasting impact which in turn can impact future negotiations as well as your reputation. 

The underlying point worth noting here is that it is better to come across as somewhat intimidating owing to your negotiation skills rather than to be perceived as a pushover when it comes to negotiations. Instead of coming across as a deterrent, your negotiation skills can result in more people wanting to work with you. 

7. Conflict Resolution

Negotiation and conflict resolution are interconnected. Not only do negotiation skills help deal with disputes when they crop up, but they also help prevent them. A good negotiator can identify potential hurdles before they arise and create solutions that will appeal to all parties involved.  

Want to read about the top Personal Finance skills you must know about? Here is a blog that takes you through theme and their importance.

Four Steps to Successful Negotiation  

Successful negotiation requires taking stock of and implementing the following steps.  

Step 1. Assess

Begin by understanding the root of the problem and break into down into concise, easy-to-understand issues. Take a look at what the potential solutions to this situation might be. 

Step 2. Prepare

Understand where your argument lies, what points you need to lead with and the evidence you have to support your claims. During this time, you must anticipate what the opposition might say and understand their point of view.  

Step 3. Engage

Once you begin discussions with the opposition, ensure you spend adequate time listening to them. Apart from being a good listener, you must convey what you have to as succinctly as possible. This will help draw attention to the opposition’s weaknesses and highlight your desire to arrive at a resolution. In certain instances, this alone will be enough. 

Step 4. Bargain

This is the stage that most people often associate with negotiation. In order to prepare yourself for bargaining, you must have several backup plans up your sleeve. These can be implemented in the event that you reach a stalemate on a negotiation. 

Final Thoughts 

Now that you are familiar with the merits associated with negotiation and have understood how to carry it out, begin incorporating these skills into your work life. Not only will they help you achieve professional success, but they will also allow you to improve your relationships with other people. 

Frequently Asked Questions  

1. Why is negotiation important?

The benefits of negotiation skills can be broken down into the following points. 

  • Negotiation paves the way for a successful career
  • Allows you to enhance your role
  • Helps secure deals that appeal to you 
  • Allows you to secure a superior bottom line 
  • Helps you gain respect 
  • Helps you resolve conflicts 

2. What are negotiating skills in management?

Negotiation skills found within management are as follows.

  • Communication
  • Listening
  • Persuasion
  • Planning
  • Problem-solving
  • Strategizing

3. What are the 4 purposes of negotiation?

The four purposes of negotiation are:

  1. Reaching Agreement: Negotiation aims to reach a mutually acceptable agreement or resolution between parties involved in a conflict or dispute.
  2. Maximizing Value: Negotiation seeks to maximize the value or benefits for all parties involved by finding common ground and exploring creative solutions.
  3. Preserving Relationships: Negotiation focuses on maintaining or strengthening relationships between individuals or organizations, even in the midst of disagreements or conflicting interests.
  4. Managing Conflicts: Negotiation helps manage conflicts and prevent escalation by providing a structured and collaborative process for addressing differences and finding common solutions.


Fi Money is not a bank; it offers banking services through licensed partners and investment services through epiFi Wealth Pvt. Ltd. and its partners. This post is for information only and is not professional financial advice.
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Why Are Negotiation Skills Important in Business?


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